
kins age is twice that of her sister when you add kims age to her sisters you get 24 how old is each sister (a)write a equation that represents the sitituation.explain any varible (b)slove the equation from part (a) show your work.state your solution as a complete sentance

Accepted Solution

Kim's age is twice of that of her sister. We'll let k2 = Kim and k = Kim's sister.So, k2. When you add Kim's age to her sister age you get 36.Because Kim is twice the age of her sister k2. And because it said 'add' then we put a + sign. k2 + s = 36. Now let's solve it.Β k2 + k = 36 < Given3k = 36 < Combine like termsk = 12 < Divide both sides by 3We know Kim's sister is 12 y/o but what about Kim herself? Earlier we assigned Kim to k2. Substitute 12 for k and you get 12(2) = 24Kim's sister is 12 y/o and Kim is 24 y/oPlease give Brainliest!