
A garden measuring 12 meters by 16 meters is to have a pedestrian pathway installed all around it, increasing the total area to 285 square meters. what will be the width of the pathway

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Click here to see ALL problems on Geometry Word ProblemsQuestion 503498: a community flower garden measuring 12 meters by 16 meters is to have a pedestrian pathway installed all around it, increasing the total area to 285 square meters. What ill be the width of the pathway?

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Borders are interesting because you have to remember that you have to pave the 4 corners.
The area of the garden = 12*16 = 192 square meters.
Then you add the border with width 'x'.
Length is now L + 2x
Width is now W + 2x
We are told:
(L+2x)(W+2x) = 285 
(12+2x)(16+2x) = 285
192 +24x +32x +4x^2 = 285
4x^2 + 56x + 192 = 285
4x^2 + 56x - 93 = 0
Solved by pluggable solver: SOLVE quadratic equation with variableQuadratic equation  (in our case ) has the following solutons:

For these solutions to exist, the discriminant  should not be a negative number.

First, we need to compute the discriminant : .

Discriminant d=4624 is greater than zero. That means that there are two solutions: .

Quadratic expression  can be factored:

Again, the answer is: 1.5, -15.5. Here's your graph:

You cannot have a negative width, so the border is 1.5 m.
Always check your work.
L = 12 + 2(1.5) = 15
W = 16 + 2(1.5) = 19
15*19 = 285
Answer: The border is 1.5 meters wide.